You will need this no set style yoke to fit into the bend of the 709 root rib for the AN3 flush rivets.
Once you get these set, you can install the 605 elevator horn. The horn get attached with 470 4-4 rivets.
These holes a #12 with countersink for the 10R24 screw. Remove area on forward edges of the weight to match the
contour of the 713. Remember to dimple the forward side of the 713 to match these countersinks.
Now the fun part, put this thing together. The first thing you do is put in the 713 alone. Cleco everything
except for the inboard two most aft holes. Put in 3.5s. By doing this, you avoid having to blind rivet these two
as they would be impossible to get to with the spar installed. You can see in the picture below the two rivets installed.
These go into the top and the bottom.
The skeleton has already been riveted together except the 713 you just riveted to the skin with those 3.5s.
Now, place the weight forward on the 713 and rotate the assembly into positions 703/704 going into the 713 first and then
the 709 root rib. Cleco it all together and rivet your first elevator.